Alessandro Scicluna

Data Science student at Luiss

About me

I am a super curious Data science student with a passion for data, philosophy, and everything in between. I describe myself as analytical and pragmatic.

I like to test my ideas with those who have different ones because I do not think the most important thing is to be correct, but to get closet to the truth.

During this first year of study I had the opportunity to lay a solid foundation for a later and deeper study of the world of data science. I look forward to beginning to study neural networks in more depth, as well as their main applications.

My Hard Skills

I think for a junior position soft skills are important, but they represent a requirement, not a prerequisite such as hard skills are. That is precisely why during this year I have not underestimated them at all.

Machine Learning
Data Preparation
Data Visualization
Deep Learning

My Academic Journey


Hanyang University

Visiting student (incoming)

I will have the opportunity to confront an academic and social culture completely different from my own. I think it will be a very enriching experience that I will carry with me throughout my life.


Luiss University

Data Science and management student

I am thrilled to have found my way into the field of data analysis. So far I have learned a lot and I am sure that next year will not disappoint me either


Sapienza University of Rome

business and economics student

I owe so much to this period of study. However, already about a year before the end of the course I had realized that it was the statistics part, rather than the economics part, that I was passionate about